

‘use strict’;

module.exports = ctx => function(args) {
args = args.join(‘ ‘).split(‘,’);
const url = args[0];
const text = (args[1] || ‘’).trim();
let icon = (args[2] || ‘’).trim();
const title = (args[3] || ‘’).trim();

if (!url) {
ctx.log.warn(‘URL can NOT be empty.’);
if (icon.length > 0) {
if (!icon.startsWith(‘fa’)) icon = ‘fa fa-‘ + icon;
icon = <i class="${icon}"></i>;

return <a class="btn" href="${url}"${title.length > 0 ? title=”${title}” : ''}>${icon}${text}</a>;



‘use strict’;

module.exports = ctx => function(args) {
const [feature, periods = ‘current’] = args.join(‘’).split(‘@’);

if (!feature) {
ctx.log.warn(‘Caniuse feature can NOT be empty.’);
return ‘’;

return <iframe data-feature="${feature}" src="https://caniuse.bitsofco.de/embed/index.html?feat=${feature}&periods=${periods}&accessible-colours=false" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="400px"></iframe>;



‘use strict’;

module.exports = ctx => function(args, content) {
return `

${ctx.render.renderSync({ text: content, engine: ‘markdown’ })}

`; }; # index.js /* global hexo */

‘use strict’;

const postButton = require(‘./button’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘button’, postButton);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘btn’, postButton);

const caniUse = require(‘./caniuse’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘caniuse’, caniUse);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘can’, caniUse);

const centerQuote = require(‘./center-quote’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘centerquote’, centerQuote, true);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘cq’, centerQuote, true);

const groupPicture = require(‘./group-pictures’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘grouppicture’, groupPicture, true);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘gp’, groupPicture, true);

const postLabel = require(‘./label’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘label’, postLabel);

const linkGrid = require(‘./link-grid’);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘linkgrid’, linkGrid, true);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘lg’, linkGrid, true);

const mermaid = require(‘./mermaid’);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘mermaid’, mermaid, true);

const wavedrom = require(‘./wavedrom’);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘wavedrom’, wavedrom, true);

const postNote = require(‘./note’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘note’, postNote, true);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘subnote’, postNote, true);

const pdf = require(‘./pdf’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘pdf’, pdf);

const postTabs = require(‘./tabs’)(hexo);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘tabs’, postTabs, true);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘subtabs’, postTabs, true);
hexo.extend.tag.register(‘subsubtabs’, postTabs, true);

const postVideo = require(‘./video’);

hexo.extend.tag.register(‘video’, postVideo);



‘use strict’;

module.exports = ctx => function(args) {
const [classes = ‘default’, text = ‘’] = args.join(‘ ‘).split(‘@’);

if (!text) ctx.log.warn(‘Label text must be defined!’);

return <mark class="label ${classes.trim()}">${text}</mark>;



‘use strict’;

module.exports = function([image = ‘/images/avatar.gif’, delimiter = ‘|’, comment = ‘%’], content) {
const links = content.split(‘\n’).filter(line => line.trim() !== ‘’).map(line => {
const item = line.split(delimiter).map(arg => arg.trim());
if (item[0][0] === comment) return ‘’;
const imageSource = item[3] || image;
const hasExtension = /.[^/]+$/.test(imageSource);
return `


${item[2] || item[1]}

`; }); return ``; }; # mermaid.js /** * mermaid.js | https://theme-next.js.org/docs/tag-plugins/mermaid */

‘use strict’;

const { escapeHTML } = require(‘hexo-util’);

module.exports = function(args, content) {
return <pre class="mermaid"> ${args.join(' ')} ${escapeHTML(content)} </pre>;



‘use strict’;

module.exports = ctx => function(args, content) {
const keywords = [‘default’, ‘primary’, ‘info’, ‘success’, ‘warning’, ‘danger’, ‘no-icon’];
const className = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (keywords.includes(args[0])) {
} else {

content = ctx.render.renderSync({ text: content, engine: ‘markdown’ });
if (args.length === 0) {
return <div class="note ${className.join(' ')}">${content}</div>;
return `

${ctx.render.renderSync({ text: args.join(‘ ‘), engine: ‘markdown’ })}

`; }; # pdf.js /** * pdf.js | https://theme-next.js.org/docs/tag-plugins/pdf */

‘use strict’;

module.exports = ctx => function(args) {
const theme = ctx.theme.config;
return <div class="pdf-container" data-target="${args[0]}" data-height="${args[1] || theme.pdf.height}"></div>;



‘use strict’;

module.exports = ctx => function(args, content = ‘’) {
const tabBlock = /\n([\w\W\s\S]*?)/g;

args = args.join(‘ ‘).split(‘,’);
const tabName = args[0];
const tabActive = Number(args[1]) || 0;

let tabId = 0;
let tabNav = ‘’;
let tabContent = ‘’;

if (!tabName) ctx.log.warn(‘Tabs block must have unique name!’);
const matches = content.matchAll(tabBlock);

for (const match of matches) {
let [caption = ‘’, icon = ‘’] = match[1].split(‘@’);
let postContent = match[2];

postContent = ctx.render.renderSync({ text: postContent, engine: 'markdown' }).trim();

const abbr = tabName + ' ' + ++tabId;
const href = abbr.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('-');

icon = icon.trim();
if (icon.length > 0) {
  if (!icon.startsWith('fa')) icon = 'fa fa-' + icon;
  icon = `<i class="${icon}"></i>`;

caption = icon + caption.trim();

const isActive = (tabActive > 0 && tabActive === tabId) || (tabActive === 0 && tabId === 1) ? ' active' : '';
tabNav += `<li class="tab${isActive}"><a href="#${href}">${caption || abbr}</a></li>`;
tabContent += `<div class="tab-pane${isActive}" id="${href}">${postContent}</div>`;


tabNav = <ul class="nav-tabs">${tabNav}</ul>;
tabContent = <div class="tab-content">${tabContent}</div>;

return <div class="tabs" id="${tabName.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('-')}">${tabNav + tabContent}</div>;



‘use strict’;

module.exports = function(args) {
return <video src="${args[0]}" preload="metadata" controlslist="nodownload" controls playsinline poster="${args[1] || ''}"></video>;



‘use strict’;

module.exports = function(args, content) {
return <div class="wavedrom"><script type="WaveDrom"> ${content} </script></div>;